Author Topic: Beginner advice on creating physics in a new world  (Read 1778 times)

Offline khabbz

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Beginner advice on creating physics in a new world
« on: September 14, 2013, 11:15:37 pm »

I am an amateur as far as programming is concerned and although I've fiddled a little with other languages I'm an absolute beginner at using Eclipse and android.

I would like some advice on how to actually start a project and (I know this sounds stupid but) where I put my code. The project files look like a mess to me and I can't figure out where everything is.

I know that there are some tutorials using jpct but some are outdated and I'm just looking for a step-by-step guide on how to create a new project. Also, some guides recommend using the command prompt but I can't figure out where that is.

If anyone could help pointing me to one or just writing a concise one (make a 3d world with a background texture and an object that the camera follows and is controlled by the player) I would be very grateful and I am sure other people like me would be as well.

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Beginner advice on creating physics in a new world
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2013, 08:55:05 pm »
The tutorials in the wiki aren't outdated. There'a a Hello World tutorial here: However, this doesn't cover the basics of how to create an Android project in Eclipse and i really don't think that the documentation for 3d engine has to cover this. It should be easy to find good tutorials about this online. Just apply the basic things that they teach to the HelloWorld source code. Installation (if one want to call it that) of jPCT-AE is covered here: Just make sure to also follow the link at the end, because otherwise, your project might not work on an actual device.