I am experimenting with this extremly helpful piece of code, but up until now I had only little luck.
1) I copied the classes GLFont and TexturePack from the first post
2) I solved the class dependency of java.awt by adding Project->Properties->Java Build Path->Add Library->JRE System library
But I am still getting two errors in the TexturePack:
the constructor jpct.Texture(BufferedImage(image), Boolean(useAlpha)) is undefined
the function com.threed.jpct.FrameBuffer.blit is not defined for parameters ...
I expect that this can have something to do with your information from the first post that you used the experimental jpct... but
1) That was 7 years ago
2) Your link for the experimental beta jpct doesn't work any more
So I am intrigued to know - is the "experimental" jpct version of blit and Texture now reachable somewhere else? or did you reprogrammed it for the classic jpct_ae? Or how can I solve this code now in 2016?