ehm it's an image and text blitting test application, and hence the bubbles. you can hit center key to add more bubbles. and as you noticed they disappear after some time.
Sorry I don't understand what "blitting" means, I'm living in Switzerland and my mothers tongue is French, even I also speak Portuguese, English, German(school level)
and learning Japanese.
and nevermind the menu, "copy paste is the mother of all evil"
Ahah I do know this very well...
"Last week we had to "play" program few small trains with train station in real. (It was to prove our understanding about threads using the pthread lib).
And I spent 45minutes why my TrainA was not doing is stops and the TrainB suddenly stop itself when it was not needed.
Each train has is own thread and I did a copy paste at start to not having to rewrite the all thing... Well it was a bad idea since i copied TrainStop(B); everywhere... on the A thread."
Now about A1.
If I add bubbles the fps drop under 60 fps
with 14 bubbles ~43fps
with 18 bubbles ~38fps
and as soon as they start disappearing it goes back to 60fps.
anther thing is that when you leave the application (home for exemple) then go back in, there's no more bubbles, only text appear. (same fps as with bubbles)
moving arround with the pad don't make any changes on fps. Or so few that's not visible.