jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support


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Ok, i've uploaded a new AE-jar and added an option to config called flashSortThreshold. Play around with it and let me know the results.

400 Objects is still a pretty high object count for Android IMHO. I never came close to this in any application may it be on the desktop or the phone (except for particle systems of course).

thanks, i will try it ;D i guess this flashSortThreshold is object count threshold to activate iterative sorting, right ?

is it the object or polygon count that sounds too high ? they are just primitive box tiles, 12 polys for each. 400x12=4800 polygons.
if i somehow find a way and merge at least some of them, will it help ?

It neither object nor polygon's compiled instance count, which is at least as high as the object count but not quite as high as polygon count.
The problem with a high object count is,  that the setup work for rendering each of them creates some overhead. It's better to batch as many objects as possible in one. If they need to be split again for rendering, the object compiler will do this anyway but in a way that's more optimal for the rendering pipeline.

i've tried the new jar. it runs without crashing even for 60x20 scene. for 10x10 scene, it's overhead is not noticable. i tried it by setting flashSortThreshold to 15.

--- Quote from: EgonOlsen ---..which is at least as high as the object count but not quite as high as polygon count.
--- End quote ---

so in this case, sharing compiled data wont help, except for memory of course

--- Quote ---It's better to batch as many objects as possible in one. If they need to be split again for rendering, the object compiler will do this anyway but in a way that's more optimal for the rendering pipeline.
--- End quote ---

mm, this requires some thought and trials i suppose. as i said, some tiles are highlighted, some others disappear or so. highligting can be handled by other means (an additional plane maybe, or via PolygonManager) but disappearing tiles should be different objects.

with a wild guess, how much gain would you expect from merging 20x20 scene into one ? when this tiles are close to each other or spread around the sccene ?

Hard to guess...if your game runs fast enough with your current approach, there's not much need to change it anyway.


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