ok, i'm tring to implement a die with physic. I have from the physic framework a Matrix4, how should i use the aling() method?
I expeted to find a align( Matrix m ) method but there isn't one so how can i apply a Matrix to an object3D by align()?
this i probably a dumb question, but you know, i'm new to 3D graphic and physics as well ^^.
i've been tring with setRotation() method but then it shows only part of the texture.
To show the die i'v implemented a cube extending Object 3D, any face of the cube is made of 2 tringles defined by clock wise verticies and has a different texture.
Do i need to do something in the object3D initialization or you think it's just a rotation mistake?
i have to add that when i rotate with the camera around the object i can see all the faces without any texture problem, the problem seems to be when i try to rotate the object3D itself.
Thx in advance for the response