Author Topic: Simple 3D Client  (Read 8525 times)

Offline Bryan

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Simple 3D Client
« on: October 15, 2012, 02:00:26 am »
Hi everyone,

I recently started messing with jPCT and just seeing what I could do for fun. I plan on continuing with this slowly and just making it into something, possibly a game. I also have released a few versions of it and below you can find the links to download and use this or even just take a look at. The zip contains all the files you need: source, libs and assets.

  • Basic Camera to fly (WASD + Q/E to go up or down)
  • Basic player movement (Left, Right, Up, Down arrow keys, Space to jump)
  • Very basic terrain/region system
  • Very basic GUI system (Toggle pause menu example with Escape)

Some Extra Keys
  • 'R' Toggles render mode (textured -> texture+wireframe -> wireframe)
  • 'M' Regenerate the terrain
  • 'N' Add a new light (random color and location)
  • 'H' Changes 'sun' color
  • 'L' toggles the 'sun' light
  • 'K' Sets light position randomly on terrain (if not snapped to player)
  • 'J' Snap light to above player
  • 'F1' Toggle mouse grab (so you can use your mouse on your desktop again)
  • 'Escape' Toggles the pause menu

Version 2

Version 1


Thanks to: EgonOlsen and hakan eryargi (TexturePack and GLFont classes)

« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 04:06:46 am by Bryan »

Offline vickt

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Re: Simple 3D Client
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2012, 12:12:32 am »
I think your links are broken.

Offline Bryan

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Re: Simple 3D Client
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2012, 04:09:02 am »
I think your links are broken.

Ah you were correct. Thanks! I fixed them now, it was because of the format for URL bbcode being different than another forum.

Offline Bryan

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Re: Simple 3D Client
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2012, 03:30:05 pm »
I updated this a bit, I will make a full feature list in the future but here is info about the new one.

New Features:
  • Height-map images (grayscale images) that load at startup to create the terrain
  • Scaled all the things down to proportionatly fit terrain
  • Cleaned up a lot of the code to do with Player stuff and warriors

If you would like this version: Download v3

Offline vickt

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Re: Simple 3D Client
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2012, 09:02:49 pm »
Looks pretty good! Any long term plans?

Offline Bryan

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Re: Simple 3D Client
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2012, 04:30:28 am »
None as of right now. This is my first go with 3d but it's quite fun to mess with this. So who knows what is next for this. Thanks for checking it out!

Also I made a quick page to showcase this if anyone is interested.