Here's a routine that might be a little more pluggable.
private int selectAnyObjectAt( int mouseX, int mouseY){
SimpleVector ray=Interact2D.reproject2D3DWS(mCamera, mFrameBuffer, mouseX, mouseY).normalize();
Object[] res = mWorld.calcMinDistanceAndObject3D(mCamera.getPosition(), ray, 10000F);
if (res==null || res[1] == null || res[0] == (Object)Object3D.RAY_MISSES_BOX) {
Log.d("SELECTION", "You missed! x="+mouseX+" y="+mouseY);
selectedObject = null;
return -1;
Object3D obj = (Object3D)res[1];
Log.d("SELECTION", "x="+mouseX+" y="+mouseY+" id2="+obj.getID()+" name="+obj.getName());
selectedObject = obj;
return obj.getID();
This just gets you the selected object. It's up to you to figure how to move it about, based on the physics and layout of your world.