Author Topic: Blender+OgreExporter  (Read 49965 times)

Offline Gatobot14

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« on: September 25, 2015, 04:01:02 am »
hi to everyone!

ive finally found a way to make my model in blender and animations but dont know how to proper configure ogre exporter,
so i come up with to questions:

why ogre expoter add more vertex to the final mesh???

anyone in this forum uses blender+ogre??can share some tips??

Offline Gatobot14

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Re: Blender+OgreExporter
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2015, 07:56:09 pm »
well checking the ninja model and mine i have the conclusion that my skeleton is exporting bad , its no aligned to the model, if someone knows why this happen using blender and ogre exporter please post your answer here!!!  ;D

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Re: Blender+OgreExporter
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2015, 10:18:38 am »
I never used Ogre exporter in Blender myself but there is a wiki page for that maybe it can help

Offline Gatobot14

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Re: Blender+OgreExporter
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2015, 12:45:14 am »
I think the problem its the exporter itself, sometimes work others dont, i found blender its great for rigging and animating but for exporting to ogrexml i will use Milkshape3d, i would prefer doing everything in blender but well.........
By the way bones its perfect!
have plans to import more formats than ogre??? the milkshape asccii format seams preaty easy and also have support for skeletons but i dont even know where to start to write an importer......

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Re: Blender+OgreExporter
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2015, 10:08:59 am »
thanks for nice words :)

Ogre3D is one of the most mature 3d libraries out there. and OgreMax is the best exporter for 3dsMax. even it can go crazy from time to time. I believe this is partly due to how modifiers are handled inside 3dsMax. I mean what you see inside the editor may not be the same as passed to exporter. in the past I wrote some max scripts to export animations into a series of 3ds files for Karga. the script simply advances animation time and exports relevant frame into 3ds files. but for some unknown reason IK is broken after script is run. elbows can bend reverse etc.

I have no plans to implement another exporter for now.

Offline kkl

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Re: Blender+OgreExporter
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2015, 05:00:45 pm »
Due to some reason on setting normals, texture coordinate and etc, additional vertices will be added when exporting using ogre3D. Here's the link for the info:

To fix that, I guess we have to customize the blender ogre exported instead, but it's too much of learning curve and I didn't finish it.

Offline Gatobot14

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Re: Blender+OgreExporter
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2015, 06:17:42 pm »
so this additional vertices end up as well in JPCT ????
it seem you have knowledge about the exporter, could you tell me why sometimes models exports fine and sometimes the geometry get mess up?? is there some steps to follow to proper export the models???

will glad you could spare some tips  :)

Offline kkl

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Re: Blender+OgreExporter
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2015, 02:43:51 am »
so this additional vertices end up as well in JPCT ????
As far as I remember, yes.

could you tell me why sometimes models exports fine and sometimes the geometry get mess up??
This sometimes happen when some of vertices are not assigned with armature bones in Blender. You need to make sure every vertex is assigned to at least one bone.