I see what you mean. No, that's not possible at the moment (at least not directly. You could do that texture thing that you've mentioned, but...Urgh!) and I'm not sure if it's a good idea anyway. That will lead to a strange looking perspective distortion of things on the ground. It might be ok, if all the player can do is to look straight along the z-axis, but if he can look up or down as well, the same frustum will be used and that will look strange. Older 3D games like Duke 3D used this approach to allow the player to look "down" or "up", but it wasn't very convincing and looked quite strange IMHO.
During all these years in which jPCT(-AE) exists now, nobody ever asked for this feature so it doesn't seem like a common thing. The issue that I have with adding that option is that I would have to modify the culling pipeline and all the stuff in Interact2D for this, and I'm not sure if it's really worth it.
Maybe you can explain your actual use case in more detail. Will the player be able to look up and down on his own or will the view be fixed?