- First what I did was reverse y axis for camera. Second was looking for how can I disable 8 axis limits in player movement.
That won't happen...
I guess that's because I'm a PC and not a console player. On the PC, you have a mouse and a keyboard which actually 4 directions (which you might be able to combine to 8 ) and not one of these strange analog knobs or sticks that the console controllers have. I tried a lot of first person games with touch controls on Android just to see how it works. With fully analog controls, I always tumbled around like a drunk. IMHO, limiting the possible directions to 8 helped to lot to get rid of this.
- At the beginning are everything very hard. I had to go through whole map and collected flowers which I then sold and bought sword and armor.
That's a really interesting approach. I love it when such things happen. When people are playing the game in ways that I never expected that they would. Being able to sell the flowers was actually an accident. I never planed to add this but it came in with some other change and I left it in, because I thought that maybe somebody want to make use of it...which is obviously true.
- Combats are very hard for me. Many times, I am tapping on "fire" button over and over again, but nothing happen. And these tapping also blocks player moving and also quick changing of move direction blocks "fire" button.
Yes, moving blocks the attack button for a short time. It depends on the direction as well. The best combat strategy IMHO is, to move towards the enemy and stop once he noticed you. Then he'll usually start to move towards you. Then strike when he's close enough and move backwards a little. Not too far, because that might make him stop as well but not to close either, because then you won't be able to strike again in time when he's close again. What you shouldn't do is to move towards him until you are in range, because he'll usually start a preemptive attack on you if he notices that you are moving in range.
Another option is to buy a bow and shot him from a distance.
- Is possible to open doors by click? It looks like doors are opened in touch down and touch up events and even while rotating with the camera.
IIRC, they open on touch down. It shouldn't happen during a rotation because that usually doesn't cause a touch down or up event. It's a good point. I'll revisit that part once I find the time to do so and see if it's worth a change.
- Game runs probably at 60 fps all the time on my SGS6. Is possible to increase resolution of textures, increase density of the grass...? Maybe in some settings...
Until now, I tried to avoid an additional settings dialog, but given that more and more seems to creep into the dialog which is actually the load/save dialog, I might reconsider this decision. And if I do, I'll add some detail settings as well. But it won't happen tomorrow.
- And last little thing. Walking is very unnatural. I think, some small movement up and down of the camera should help.
Again, this is caused by my personal preference. I don't really like head bobbing. I can live with it, if it's there, but I don't prefer to have it. Yes, the head moves up and down when we walk, but what games make of it, just isn't realistic IMO. Because your brain usually compensates for that movement or otherwise, we would be motion sick all the time. If I add an additional settings dialog, I'll add that option too. But not tomorrow...