Author Topic: Naroth - 3D open world RPG  (Read 80739 times)

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #60 on: June 08, 2016, 10:20:04 am »
I've send you a PM.

Offline Paulish

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #61 on: June 27, 2016, 05:53:57 am »
A few hours, at least three I'd guess, probably somewhat more. That said I don't play this kind of games regularly and I'm a somewhat conservative player.
That's quite cool actually. I used to play it "in order" in my tests well knowing that this isn't the way in which people might approach it especially because you actually don't know what that "order" is. The game tries to push you into a direction, but it doesn't force you to follow it. It's nice to know that some additional grinding actually makes it easier to tackle the main quest...that's how it's supposed to be.

The biggest thing separating this from a fully professional product is that the models and texture are a bit hit-and-miss and not everything fits together in the way it does when you've got several full-time graphics artists producing and touching up everything.
That's true. I tried to find stuff that matches at least somehow and I think that I could have done worse, but of mixes the styles of maybe a dozen or more people. You basically get what you pay for (I paid maybe 500 € for the assets in total), which is part of the reason why I don't charge you for it... ;)

I like how "complete" the game feels with a full skill tree, mini-map and map, alchemy, and lots of neat touches like the birds flying, leaves falling, book pages turning, and the characters "talking". I also like that the battles are fairly quick and that the game eschews any requirement to eat and drink which means that I don't feel stressed when I'm just wandering around exploring and looking at stuff. The sound and music deserve to be mentioned as well, I like them quite a bit.
Thanks. All these little touches are my attempt to compensate the lack of truly epic looking locations and such. I tried to make the world somewhat believable within the given scope and context. There are actually a lot of little details in the game. Most people might not even notice them, so I'll list them here:

  • Shrubs are moving if NPCs walk through them (but not if you do, because I found that distracting)
  • You can hit the shop signs with arrows, which makes them swing a little more
  • Arrows get stuck in objects (if you are close enough). If they get stuck in a dungeon door and you open it, they'll fall to the ground.
  • Leaves are falling from the trees.
  • The birds that you are hearing are sitting in the trees, i.e. the source of the sound is always the crown of a tree.
  • There a bees humming around (you only hear them from time to time, you don't see them)
  • Above a certain height, wind might kick in. If it does, you'll hear some wind noises and the trees' branches start to move more wildly.
  • NPCs can disturb birds if they come too close
  • NPCs will start running around in panic if an enemy comes close to them (happens rarely though)
  • You can shoot the birds with arrows. It will give you 5 XP while they are grounded and 200 (I think) if they are flying. But I never managed to hit a flying bird myself... :)
  • The dungeons have two kinds of ambient sounds. Water drops and some scratching sounds. The scratching sounds indicate that there are still enemies left on that floor. Once the floor is empty, there won't be any scratching.

In addition, the NPCs explain some things as well to make the world more believable, if you chose to listen. For example, there's an explanation why the dungeons are all lit with torches... ;)

And I'm guessing the amount and depth of the content but I lack the experience of similar games to fully assess those. But complaining about that would be completely unfair for a hobby project given away for free, I thinks it's pretty grand and I fully intend to find out what happened to the guys father!
The game cleary lacks "epic" battles against enemies with the size of a house and such things. Mainly because of money, time and memory constraints. It has 39 different and non-generic quests though. It has at least one quest that you can solve in three different ways (albeit with the same outcome), one quest that you can actually refuse to solve by keeping the quest item for yourself. It has quests with a well defined goal as well as quests with no proper description on where to find the actual solution. It has quests that are interconnected. And finally, it has a branching main quest... ;)
I admit that I had more in mind when I started this project, but I had to make some cuts. After all, 4 years and 2 months are enough IMHO. But that doesn't mean, that I'm not going to add some more stuff after a short break... :)

I can't get past the "opens elsewhere" prompts in various dungeons. Do I have to thread my way back through the entire top floor, touching and striking every torch and slightly protruding wall-stone in case they're levers. Must I go back to every door and close them to make sure no lever is hidden behind them? Way too tedious? Please tell me there's an easier secret!

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #62 on: June 27, 2016, 07:56:08 am »
I can't get past the "opens elsewhere" prompts in various dungeons. Do I have to thread my way back through the entire top floor, touching and striking every torch and slightly protruding wall-stone in case they're levers. Must I go back to every door and close them to make sure no lever is hidden behind them? Way too tedious? Please tell me there's an easier secret!
"Opens elsewhere" means that the door is activated by levers on the walls and by nothing else. There are no hidden switches and torches are that torches. They aren't hidden behind doors either and they are always on the same dungeon level as the door. Usually, they are slightly highlighted by some torches or some blue crytals near them (not always, but most of the time).

Offline Lestat

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #63 on: July 25, 2016, 10:25:10 pm »
You finally released it :D I remember watching this video some years ago.

I'm very happy to see you completed it.

Offline Jacks420

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #64 on: August 19, 2016, 01:02:40 pm »
I love the game. By far the best I have played in Android. Very much of an Elder Scrolls feel to it.
I have completed the game, except for a couple little things I was hoping somebody may be able to help me with. Where do I find boots from Vilden? And what is the purpose of the black gemstone?

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #65 on: August 19, 2016, 03:24:33 pm »
The boots can be found in the mine close to the starting point in some chest. The black gemstone is, just like the last closed mine, for an alternate branch of the main quest line. It depends on whether you are asking Gradwin or Sianor for help. The quest line branches there.

Offline Stank

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #66 on: August 30, 2016, 07:18:18 am »
I've completed all but 2 quest. 

The name of the flower, and
Tell Foava (Joava?) some more news.

The name of the flower quest has me stuck at somehow trying to convince the monk to accept Pedrex. 

Not sure the second quest has an ending...

I cannot find quest help anywhere, and have a!ready completed the game.  I would just like to finish 100% completed quest too. 

The game is the best FTP game I've seen in a long time.  Thank you very much for the oldschool dungeon crawler play.


Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #67 on: August 30, 2016, 08:34:05 am »
Look out for a bag close to the monastery's outhouse (or maybe you've already found it). Then walk to the east of the monastery, close to the edge of the map. You should find a chest there. That should help you to complete that monk quest and, in consequence, the other one as well.

Offline Stank

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #68 on: August 30, 2016, 03:30:56 pm »
Look out for a bag close to the monastery's outhouse (or maybe you've already found it). Then walk to the east of the monastery, close to the edge of the map. You should find a chest there. That should help you to complete that monk quest and, in consequence, the other one as well.

Thank you very much!  I must have traversed the borders a hundred times running around the map.  Not sure how I missed the chest; though it was higher up than I usually set my view. 

Do you have another game I should look for, or one you'd recommend?  I couldn't stop playing Naroth till I completed the game.  I played it for 2 days straight, from morning till night and will definitely play a second time to do the alternative quest line.   


Offline pollik21

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #69 on: September 29, 2016, 03:40:14 am »
I finally beat the game.
I was wondering, where can I use the dead rat, the brothel frame and the black gemstone(not sure if I used this one already, I'll check later) for?

Kudos to the creators of the game!

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #70 on: September 29, 2016, 08:13:36 am »
The rat and the image are just easter eggs, which is why the description tells you that they are useless. The black gemstone is for another branch of the main quest line. The main quest branches when you ask either Gradwin or Sianor for help. Depending on your choice, one item remains unused and one dungeon remains closed.

Offline Norbert756p

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #71 on: October 08, 2016, 03:38:02 pm »
Hi, somebody can help me with dungeon map? :(
I can't find the lever, if you want to help me just reply to me, please :(

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #72 on: October 08, 2016, 04:33:56 pm »
Check your PMs.

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #73 on: October 17, 2016, 11:31:26 am »
I wrote a little FAQ for the game:

Offline AeroShark333

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Re: Naroth - 3D open world RPG
« Reply #74 on: October 19, 2016, 10:44:14 am »
Hmmm, I would like to help out with Dutch translations if that is possible...
However, how many strings are we talking about here?
I know this game has a lot of dialogs... So yeah...