jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Projects

Next jPCT-AE version...


Because my game Naroth is more or less done by now, my next project is simply the next version of jPCT-AE. I'm working on one feature in particular that I always postponed...porting the ShadowHelper stuff from jPCT to jPCT-AE to add easy to use shadow support to jPCT-AE. I have something working already:


It still misses some stuff that I would like to add and it does really strange things to the shaders to inject shadow support into an arbitrary shader, but it seems to work...somehow...

It is good news! Will be supported also soft shadows?

That's the plan (basic PCF), but I guess it would be pretty slow if you activate them.

PCF is basically in...rendering into a 128*128 shadowmap without PCF

...and with PCF (with a simple 3x3 filter kernel)

The performance hit on the Nexus 5X is not noticable (60fps before, 60fps now), but the Note 1 takes a punch into the stomach (half the fps, i.e. from 40 down to 20).


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