Hi Raft,
First of all sorry for my English. I try to do my best, but I'm not a professional. I'm also a beginer with 3D modelling, therefore I asked your help.
So the problem in nutshell:
I succesfully imported a rigged object from Blender to JPCT. I already find out how can I move and rotate the joints. The next step should be to create a skin animation.
Basicly I just would like to rotate the joints, so only the rotation quaternions will change in the keyframes. The translation and scale vectors don't need to be changed.
The results of my code is not what I expected. My character is still not moving.
Please have a look at to my code, possibly I'm not using your library right, or just missing some neccessary method call.
This is how I apply the animation in the OnSurfaceChanged() method:
SkinClipSequence clipSeq = new SkinClipSequence(createSkinClip());
MaleBody.animateSkin(0, 0);
And this is the createSkinClip method :
I'm just planning to rotate the shin of my character with 90 degrees and, then back to the init position.
private SkinClip createSkinClip() {
List<JointChannel> jointChannels = new ArrayList<>();
Joint shin = skeletonHelper.getJoint("shin.L");
int animationLength = 3;
SimpleVector jointStartDirection= skeletonHelper.getBoneDirection(shin);
SimpleVector jointEndDirection = new SimpleVector(jointStartDirection);
jointEndDirection.rotateX((float) (Math.PI / 2));
Quaternion quat = new Quaternion();
quat.fromVectorToVector(jointStartDirection, jointStartDirection);
Quaternion quat2 = new Quaternion();
Quaternion quat3 = new Quaternion();
float[] times = new float[animationLength];
times[0] = 0.0f;
times[1] = 1.0f;
times[2] = 2.0f;
SimpleVector[] translations = new SimpleVector[animationLength];
translations[0] = shin.getBindPose().getTranslation();
translations[1] = shin.getBindPose().getTranslation();
translations[2] = shin.getBindPose().getTranslation();
Quaternion[] rotations = new Quaternion[animationLength];
rotations[0] = quat;
rotations[1] = quat2;
rotations[2] = quat3;
SimpleVector[] scales = new SimpleVector[animationLength];
scales[0] = new SimpleVector(1f,1f,1f);
scales[1] = new SimpleVector(1f,1f,1f);
scales[2] = new SimpleVector(1f,1f,1f);
JointChannel chShin = new JointChannel(shin.getIndex(),times,translations,rotations,scales);
SkinClip clip = new SkinClip(MaleBody.get(0).getSkeleton(),jointChannels);
return clip;
I added the animateSkin method to the OnDrawFrame() method, which runs at every frame.
My code look like this:
if(animtime >= 1.0f){
animtime= 0.0f;
It is moving but it's runs on 7-10 fps, instead of 40-60 like without the animation. Am I used the animateSkin method wrong?
Thank you in advance,
Tamás O.