when i want to position an Object3D, if the object has children, i can't use setOrigin(), i must set the translation.
but there is no setTranslation(), there is translate() which requires relative position.
but most of the time i don't directly know how much should i move the object, instead i know the current position of the object. so i call clearTranslation() then translate(), or set the Matrix of the object. in case i just need to position an object at a certain position, i don't need a Matrix, isn't setTranslation() a better method?
and if Object3D has a setMatrix method like this, setMatrix(float[] matrixFloatArray), that can be convenient too.
and some APIs require a SimpleVector as argument, such as setOrigin(SimpleVector vec), why not a method like setOrigin(float x,float y,float z) ?