Hi Raft,
I would like to ask your help with a very tricky situation. I've created a model in Blender and I was able to load it to Android via the Ogre xml files and bones converter scripts. It works like charm.
Afterward I've tried to animate the bones individually from android to double check whether it has the same behaviour like in Blender. Most of the bones are moving as expected but looks like some of the bones are rotated and their relative axes are also mixed somehow.
For example if I'm rotating the clavickle bone around it's Y at Blender, the visual result on Android looks like when I rotated around it's X and vice versa.
At first glance I thought the problem is with the different coordinate systems of Blender and JPCT, but if it's really the case, then why only just some of the bones are gone "mad"?
I think the problem is with the exported ogre xml. Unfortunately this forum denies any file which is bigger than 64kb, so I've uploaded it to my server slot:
https://medev.hu/3d/MaleBody/MaleBody.rar .
Would be good if I can double check how the exported file look like, but I can't found any ogre xml importer or visualizer apps for Windows.
I saw in your previous posts that you're using some kind of Ogre Visualizer app. Could you please give me the link for this app, and give me some info how to use it?
I would also appreciate if you can have a look at my attached files, maybe you can find something what I did not.
Thank you in advance,