jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

framebuffer.getpixels and screen recorder


i have an A53@2.3G + mali T830 device and used the screen recorder built in the Android7 system. i get almost 30fps video recording my 3D app. (res 1920x1080)
that means Android can read the screen into system RAM at high rate. but the image was produced in GPU. does that mean there is a faster way than fb.getPixels ?

Not sure what the screen recorder does. Maybe the built-in video encoder can encode screen content directly? No idea...getPixels() is as slow as OpenGL ES. Plus the conversion into jPCT-AE internal format, which requires some byte flipping.

i think it uses the video encode/decode processor to do the encoding in vram then transfer the data stream to system ram/network/storage, just like recording video from physical camera.


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