Hello, I am experimenting with billboarding, to see if there are any performance
benefits from using pure 3d, instead of rendering in 2d.
I am using the jpct implementation of awtglcanvas.
I have heard that the canvas is a lot slower than a native window.
Is this so? I can imagine some extra processing to render into awt,
but has anybody got any idea how much?
It is more than possible for me to use a native gl window, if needed, but im discouraged from this approach, because I would need to blit my menus into the
I also use scrollpanes, and skinned buttons via SkinLF.jar.
This is merely a test. A test to evaluate the performance boost, if any, when using pure 3d, and not using trickery to put 3d onto 2d.
Thanks in advance, for any help:)