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Topics - Familyfriend

Pages: [1]
Projects / Die game
« on: September 27, 2011, 03:46:16 pm »
I'm a new 3D graphic developer. I stater looking at it only few weeks ago, i decided to try to implement a simple die game wich you can roll a 3D die shaking the phone.

I downloaded jCPT-AE and a physic engine called Jinngine.
I managed to implmenet walls and the cube but my problems start when i have to translate the physic cube ( the die ) state to the graphic wolrd.

I made it going around with the translate method but i can't figure out how to set the rotation matrix to the 3D object.

i've been tring in a few ways but i can't work around it:
  • setRotation(Matrix m ):  it didn't work cause of some strange rendering of the box, after the rotation it came out streched and only half visible
  • align( . . ): i read somthing in the forum about this method bu to be honest i can't get what to pass to the method, thre is one that wants an Object3D to align to and an other one that follow the camera.
  • i derived the X Y Z euler angle from the matrix and i applied them with the rotateX/Y/Z() method, that almost work except for a realy bad flickering of the die

can anyone help me or at least share his knowledge on what i'm tring to do?
it shouldn't be the most task difficult ever, i mean, i do have a 4x4 matrix rappresenting the rotation of the physic object so i guess i just missing something in between the translation.

thx in advance

Support / Box
« on: September 27, 2011, 11:25:04 am »
I'm a new 3d graphic programmer trying to implement a simple application that shows a rolling dice from the acellerometer vector. I'm tring to do in 3D graphic with jCPT-AE and Jinnjine ( as physic engine.

I have already implemented the walls and the die both in the physic and in the graphic world.
Now my problem is that i can't deal with the rotation connection, i have a Matrix4 from the physic world and i can't figure out how to
use it to rotate the graphic object.

  • setRotation(Matrix m ):  it didn't work cause of some strange rendering of the box, after the rotation it came out streched and only half visible
  • align( . . ): i read somthing in the forum about this method bu to be honest i can't get what to pass to the method, thre is one that wants an Object3D to align to and an other one that follow the camera.
  • i calculated the x Y Z angle from the matrix and i applied them with the rotateX/Y/Z() method, that almost work except for a realy bad flickering of the die

can someone help me, at least driving me to the right direction.

here is my code for the texture box:
and the code for the frame:

Pages: [1]