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Topics - McJug

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Support / Two questions.. Serialization/Lights
« on: June 25, 2012, 03:50:58 pm »
Starting with the serialization issue:

I was making a quick GUI serialization tool last night, and realised I did not fully understand the LoadOBJ parameters. I read the Wiki but do not quite understand the language used. My interpretation is that Textures are referenced inside the .Obj file, and that the material file is something different entirely? Currently what I'm doing is, getting InputStreams for both files, using LoadOBJ, using build() and strip(), and serialising, is that correct?

The lighting issue:

Does the default setup/shader only support one light? I thought I had read that it supported more, but I cant seem to get any more working.

Thanks in Advance ;)

EDIT: Just discovered the shader only supports one light, but could still do with some help understanding the serialiser.

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