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Topics - rtSJ

Pages: [1]
Support / Strange transparency
« on: May 23, 2014, 09:49:25 am »
Hello everyone !

I'm coming here today because I have a problem about transparency on my 3D object. I put a transparent texture on one object 3D, and, here's my problem, nothing behinde if display. I have a CameraView on the background and I can see it. But there's is object between my transparent object and my background...

I must enable any Z-order renderer of anything like that ?

Support / Troubles with rotation matrix
« on: May 16, 2014, 02:06:32 pm »
Hello everyone !

I write it today because I have a problem with the orientation of a jPCT camera. I use the sensor of the device to do augmented reality. I use this tutorial to get the differents values [] (Because the easy way is too noisy). I get a rotation matrix and 3 angles (Pitch, roll and Azimuth).

So I want to use the 3 angles with a simple rotateCameraAxis. But I can't because the 3 values ar not independant and when I rotate on 1 axis, others moves and I can't rotate for the 2 others. (I you have a solution, say it, I'm happy to read it !)

The second way to rotate the camera is to use the rotation matrix. I convert it to a 4x4 matrix and fill with 0 and one 1, I base it on cols. But it don't work. And more, my view is totally deformed. My modles are very stranges... Anyone have a solution about it ?

How can I use the 3 angles or the matrix to rotate my camera ?

Thanks ! :)

Support / Use 2 SurfaceView make lag
« on: May 07, 2014, 02:29:32 pm »
Hello everyone !

My problem today is that I use 2 SurfaceView at the same time in my AR software. One is for display the camera of the device. It's a custum class that extends SurfaceView :
Code: [Select]
public class CameraView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback
 The second is a GLSurfaceView where I render all my objects with jPCT :
Code: [Select]
setmGLView(new GLSurfaceView(this.application));
setCameraView(new CameraView(this.context));

setRenderer(new MyRenderer());

But when the both are display, a little lag come. But when I display only one, it's good and very fluent.

Maybe It's not the good solution to display my camera on an other SurfaceView. But I don't understand how to correct the problem and delete the lag. Anyone have an idea ?

Support / Scale many objects together
« on: April 22, 2014, 02:57:34 pm »
Hello everyone.

I have a problem when I want to scale an object in my world. Because this object is made by a lot de Object3D and when I scale every Object3D, they overlap and don't keep the uniformity of the object (The position of the object between each one).

One solution is to merge all the Object3D, but it wont work because I need to keep all Object3D separate because I want to detect an input on one part.

Anyone had a solution ? Or an idea maybe ?

Support / FrameBuffer transparent
« on: April 18, 2014, 10:40:45 am »
Hello everyone !

I'm actually coding a 3D engine for visualize object and overlaying it on the preview of the camera of the device. It's work fine except one problem, I can't have the models and the preview on overlay because the render background is black... And when I want to specify an alpha color for my framebuffer, it's ignore !

Actuallt my code is like that :

Code: [Select]
fb.clear(new RGBColor(0,0,0, 255);

And I try to change Config.useFramebufferWithAlpha to true, but I can't access on this variable (I don't know if it's not supported or if I do bad manipulation).

I'm totaly lost on what I can do to resolve this problem.

Anyone have an idea ?

PS : Sorry for m'y bad english, I'm a french programmer and I do a lot of efforts to improve it, but it's hard ! =)

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