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Topics - huhu

Pages: [1]
Support / Simplest rendering
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:37:36 pm »
I have some objects of triangles with a plain grey color texture, one ambient and one point light. I would expect to see the triangles in one static color, but it seems there is a lot of smoothing or whatever going on. Can I switch this off an how?

Support / Minimum dimension
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:18:14 pm »
There seem to be minimum dimensions. A Primitives.getSphere is not shown when the "scale" is smaller than 0.5? I didn't see something like this mentioned anywhere.
Btw. in the doc it is not told what the "scale" parameter means.
Or are there minimum camera distances etc?

For days I am now trying to show small objects (scale 0.05 range) and I don't get to see them ...
Can the world be scaled altogether or something like that? Or do I have to scale all my objects?

... ok ... now I adjusted Config.nearPlane  AND(!) set Config.glIgnoreNearPlane to false, so I see something. But apparently many points collapse, so where do I set this? Can I?

EDIT 2: My coordinates are about in a range of 50.000 to 50.010, is something like this possible or do I have to move everything to center it around the 50?

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