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Topics - Msali

Pages: [1]
Support / Line of sight
« on: July 28, 2016, 01:09:07 pm »
I studied the jpct-ae docs, but I just couldn't find a way to set whether an object has to be set visibile or not depending on the camera position. To clarify, If I am near an object I see it, if I am really far away, instead of seeing it small, I don't want it to be visible at all.

So I started developing my own mechanism to make it possible.

Is it so?

Support / JPCT-AE Serialization issue
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:59:21 pm »
Hello everybody,

I need to transfer object3D through a websocket from an android device to another. I was evaluating some options. One of them would be to serialize the Object3D and send it, but as far as I understood, the only way to serialize an object3D would be to do it through JPCT for Java.

Is it possible to install JPCT (not JPCT-AE) on the android device just to use the DeSerializer class on object3Ds instanciated with JPCT-AE?

Thanks for your help

Support / Angle of vision in landscape mode
« on: July 08, 2016, 03:39:09 pm »
Hello everybody,

I'm working on a framework for augmented reality using the JPCT library to do the rendering stuff and positioning objects in the space starting from their geographical coordinates.

I'm trying to set an angle of view to limit the presence of object on the screen to the ones that are directly visible along that direction. Actually some objects appear to the side of the screen when they are near, I would like to limit the focus of the camera.

I think my issue would be related to the FOV angle concept, but just changing its value I wasn't able to reaching my goal.

Could anyone give me some clarification about it? My app works on landscape mode.

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