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Topics - bilbo0s

Pages: [1]
Support / Is it possible to support JoGL?
« on: April 13, 2009, 11:04:55 pm »
Hello All,

I know that I am new here, but I have been using jPCT for
quite some time.  It is a great little engine.  Thanks to you
who make it possible.

I am writing because I use jPCT in a bit of a different fashion
than everyone else here.  I use JoGL to talk to OpenGL as
opposed to LWJGL.  I do this by supporting a JoGL shim that
masquerades as LWJGL.

My question is, is there a way that JoGL can get supported
officially?  Getting all of the shader stuff working when the
118 beta was released was a bit of a pain.  I am thinking
that as you go forward you will have stuff that I want to
work with via OpenGL as well.

The reason I use JoGL is because it makes my applets work
in a browser without a security warning.  This actually
makes users a good deal more comfortable with my product.

I am not a lazy person.  If jPCT were open source I would
create the interfaces for pluggable GL layers myself.  I have
been trying to just shadow your development, and not
burden you with requests like an ingrate.  I know how it
feels when people do that.  But now I think I am at a point
where I have to ask, or we could get wildly out of sync.

The other option is for me to do a rewrite of the core
engine blind.  This would mean that, initially anyway, I would
not have software rendering.  Frankly, there are enough
java game engines floating around out there.  We don't need
more in my opinion.

For these reasons I am writing to ask that you support
JoGL officially.  I will even write it for you if you like.  I just
would like you to put it in your engine.

By way of information, my jPCT shadow project is tracking
the main jPCT for the purposes of supporting two pieces of
functionality.  The first is a JoGL OpenGL layer.  The second
is a JBullet real time physics engine.  Right now they are
both integrated up to version 1.18 beta.  I would wager that
a lot of your users are all shadowing the main jPCT releases
in a similar fashion.  So there are probably a handful of
people out there who are all supporting their own JoGL
shim to use jPCT with JoGL.  I think this is wasted effort.

Please let me know if you think that you would be willing
to support JoGL.  If not, I thank you any way for everything
you have contributed to the gaming community so far.

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