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Messages - qjvictor

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6

It works.
Thanks. So do you think I should replace the old jar with the new one you provided, is it a stable release?

You mean if I use the .jar you provided, the problem will be fixed?

Bugs / FrameBuffer.getOutputBuffer() problem with new jpct version.
« on: May 07, 2007, 05:43:06 pm »
when I use FrameBuffer.getOutputBuffer(), I get the exception as following:
   at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
   at com.threed.jpct.FrameBuffer.getOutputBuffer(Unknown Source)

While when I use the old version, it works.

is it a bug?

Support / Re: any idea about creating video from jPCT?
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:16:38 am »
The reason I need backend generating is that my game will be something like a TV station, it will constantly play 24X7X365. So if using backend generating, at least I needn't a monitor, and my code can be running in a more stable OS, like UNIX, Linux, to generate the movie.

And the generating process should be automatically, no manual operations like "save as..."

Support / Re: any idea about creating video from jPCT?
« on: May 02, 2007, 11:54:55 pm »
does anybody has the idea about generating a movie from OpenGL 3d in BACKEND, not just recording the screen?

Support / Re: any idea about creating video from jPCT?
« on: May 02, 2007, 11:39:13 pm »
Fraps works well when recording the screen, but the problem is:
1. it only records the screen, I need back-end generating the movie.
2. it seems that no compression for the movie, I am not sure about this.

Support / Re: any idea about creating video from jPCT?
« on: May 02, 2007, 06:53:29 pm »
Because the performance is not good enough.
And you have to open an openGL window which is the source of the pics.

Support / any idea about creating video from jPCT?
« on: May 01, 2007, 06:48:37 pm »
    Could you give me some idea about converting the 3d game based on jPCT to a video?
    And in the new version of jPCT, does the FrameBuffer.getOutputBuffer() still return an Image?  I got a nullpointexception here, while in previous version, it works good.
    My way to generate a video is as following:
    1. get images from the framebuffer using getOutputBuffer();
    2. create a mov file from the images created.
    I think it is not a good way to create a video, could you give me some tips about this? Is there an existed way in OpenGL, Lwjgl to do such a job?
Thanks a lot.

Support / Re: a problem about the new version of JPCT
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:48:50 pm »
Thanks. It works.

Support / Re: a problem about the new version of JPCT
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:33:07 pm »
could you tell me some details? thx

Support / Re: a problem about the new version of JPCT
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:24:46 pm »
yes. it it.

And if I don't like use "canvas = buffer.enableGLCanvasRenderer(IRenderer.MODE_OPENGL);", I want to use "buffer.enableRenderer(IRenderer.RENDERER_OPENGL, IRenderer.MODE_OPENGL);",  so there is no canvas, not a JFrame, but a OpenGL window, how to close it?

Support / Re: a problem about the new version of JPCT
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:16:07 pm »
my fault, Olsen.
Sorry about that.
You can delete this thread.

BTW, new version is much better than the old one, especially you add an anti-alias function.

Support / Re: a problem about the new version of JPCT
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:06:54 pm »
haven't finished yet. sorry.

Support / a problem about the new version of JPCT
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:01:07 pm »
I just upgraded my horse race game to Jpct new version, everything looks good, except:
  previous I used a canvas as the content of a JFrame, like following,
     canvas = buffer.enableGLCanvasRenderer(IRenderer.MODE_OPENGL);
   now, because the method "enableGLCanvasRenderer" is not supported anymore, so I have to change into:
     buffer.enableRenderer(IRenderer.RENDERER_OPENGL, IRenderer.MODE_OPENGL);
     so there is no canvas anymore.
   But the problem is that when I try to close this webstart window, the close button on the top-right of the window doesn't work!!!
And I accessed the bluethunder, the demo webstart, the close button doesn't work either, I have to use keyboard to close this webstart window, but this is not a good way, I think.

So has anybody ever met such a problem and how to figure it out, I mean use new version.

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