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Messages - riscbus

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Obj file format does NOT contain animation?
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:10:40 pm »
now I find the root cause:

the model has no bounding box, so when I load it first, no bounding box

then I load model again, & add keyframe to make animation, if I NOT caleBounding box, the mesh can not add to keyframe
                                                                                               if I caleBounding box, after cale, the mesh is diff from orgin one

so I caleBounding box when I first load the model, the problem solved

Another question: the model has 3-4K faces, 30 frame for walk, the loading speed is very slow, how can I enhance it?

Support / Re: Obj file format does NOT contain animation?
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:25:24 am »
before I add mesh as keyframes, I call
as you suggestion, but the animation is empty, because the bound box is missing from the mesh

My total source as below:

   private void loadWalk(Animation walk) {
      for (int i = 10; i <= 30; i++) {// I got 30 obj & mtl files, I use 20 to make up a animation
         try {
            InputStream objStream = m_context.getAssets().open(
                  "sara3d_2015_0000" + i + ".obj");
            InputStream mtlStream = m_context.getAssets().open(
                  "sara3d_2015_0000" + i + ".mtl");
            Object3D obj = Loader.loadOBJ(objStream, mtlStream, 1)[0];
            Object3D tmp = new Object3D(0);
            tmp = Object3D.mergeObjects(tmp, obj);
            walk.addKeyFrame(tmp.getMesh()); // can I use objct3D from loader directly?
         } catch (Exception e) {
            String err = e.toString();// I always here...
            err += "!";

Support / Re: Obj file format does NOT contain animation?
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:56:08 am »
I use this way to  add animation,2559.msg18872.html#msg18872

but when addkeyframe, I got error: java.lang.RuntimeException: [ 1420062253543 ] - ERROR: Bounding box missing in this mesh!

it is the problem with model self? how can I avoid it?

Support / Re: Obj file format does NOT contain animation?
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:07:03 am »
Chinese Spring Festival is arriving, My reply will not very often

I will check this time by time...

Support / Obj file format does NOT contain animation?
« on: February 16, 2015, 06:56:23 am »
Hello, Sir:
  I find a model make with blender and export it with obj file format

  but I can not find any animation info in it, and I find this page:

  I try to export with animation checked, but I got 30 obj & mtl files(total 60)

  How can I try animation with obj file? any one familliar with blender & obj file format? many thanks!

Support / Re: relationship bwtween code and models
« on: December 01, 2014, 03:09:22 pm »
yes, that's quite help

but I know, maybe I am too impatient, I think I should make a plan, step by step learn sth

anyway, thank all the one help me  :)

Support / Re: relationship bwtween code and models
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:46:59 pm »
I have read through your code, setContextView(GLSurfaceView); and the GLSurfaceView set a render, the render will call onDrawFrame() automaticly

for this demo I have a question:    private static HelloWorld master = null;  and function copy()  use reflect function
your comment said    // Used to handle pause and resume...
 but I don't understand why it is needed

actually, when I design J2ME game with JSR184, the object is stored in m3g file format, which texture is included, so I can load a object3D with texture directly

PS:  at that time, blender has not a exporter for m3g, also a German(named Nalson) developed a m3g exporter for blender. 3D developing is popular in Germany? :)

Support / Re: relationship bwtween code and models
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:24:50 pm »
I have experience in JSR184 coding when feature phone times

and now I work for an android mobile phone design house, mainly working for system app

I want to pick up 3D game as my habit and design simple games for fun  :)

the main problem is lack of model resource and a little hard to understand relationship bwtween code and models

anyway, jpct is a good engine,

Support / Re: relationship bwtween code and models
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:43:55 am »
err... In simple words, I have question in texture now

My model has a texture, I load mesh & texture, how the texture find it's place to the Object3D? which is the top-left point? how to define it?

Of course, I am not good at modeling, so I want to now how to modeling a simple thing and put it to my project.

In this way, I could understand how jpct works better

Support / Re: relationship bwtween code and models
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:08:14 am »
In J2ME JSR184 time, I make model with blener, export to m3g format

each object should identify with an ID #CodeName, we find the  object with this ID

now with jpct, shall we do sth special when we modeling?

and same question about texture & animation

Support / relationship bwtween code and models
« on: December 01, 2014, 03:56:40 am »
Now, I find the biggest problem is : I can't understand the relationship between src code and models

so any demo is begin with modeling NOT coding?

I wish I can make a simple running man(very simple model with a animation), and make it run on my mobile screen.

many thanks...

Feedback / fast get into blender
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:46:23 am »
I want to learn jpct, but lack of models,   I could download some models, but I can not understand it,  how to export to object, which part is texture in source code and so on

so I want to learn make model first, which can help me to understand jpct better.

I choose blender,  any one  can give me some advice? web site or books?

of course, I am a programmer, I won't get into blender deeper :)

Support / Re: what is the suitable format?
« on: June 14, 2014, 03:36:40 am »
got it, thx

Support / what is the suitable format?
« on: June 13, 2014, 08:28:28 am »
I study jpct-ae now, but I am poor with module making... so I learn how to make module first

Can anyone tell me what is the best format for jpct? export from blender / milkshape etc

many thanks

News / Re: Download jPCT
« on: May 24, 2014, 04:49:26 pm »
I think jPCT self should have a version ctrl. I only download the latest version, but what version? 1.6 or 2.8?

jPCT should have one, I suggest

Pages: [1]