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Messages - Melssj5

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Projects / Re: SS3D
« on: November 05, 2008, 03:14:36 pm »
Well I decided not to take the images nor the maps  from a database but to save them on a web hosted visible path, and to ensure the privacy I will modify on somehow the bytes of them to make it unreadable until its loaded on the applet, and then I will fix it again.

Any way this 3d part is delayed until all the documentation and the web development is done. It wont be a big thing, so dont expect too much of it when released becausse I am very dissapointed about the project but must be finished.

Support / Re: sampling mode
« on: November 05, 2008, 03:08:57 pm »
BTW: Which app is it?

I am working on something via applets focused for ordinary people too. This app is about watching house plans, doing a virtual walkthrough, and making them able to change dinamicly the floors, wall, and ceiling textures to get and aproximation of the final cost of the construction project. Its a Thesis project but the 3d part is delayed until finishing all the  documentation and the web page to admin that.

Is your app something similar??

Support / Re: sampling mode
« on: November 04, 2008, 11:24:30 pm »
enableGLCanvasRenderer ... look at the GL word. it means it uses OPEN GL, that means hardware renderer. if you want to hace software render on a canvas just put the render stuff on the paint methos over an awt canvas. There are some examples over there. On the download section, there is a project called Maze, it was my first jpct applet, it may help you.

Projects / Re: Flier Match
« on: October 29, 2008, 05:20:44 pm »
mm I was thinking on this:

for each iteration the client sends an array with the events id to the server (As actually does)

the server takes that information and moves the craft inside the server World (As actually does)

But instead of sending the fixed position, rotation matrix of all the crafts, and upgrading that into the client. I will let the cliente to do the movement for about 6 or 8 iterations, and each 8 or 6 iterations I will send the fixed position and rotation Ms of all the player (Aas actually does). If not cheating then it should be no difference for the player, the position and direction will be changed only if cheating. Anyway an aimbot can always be implemented.

Projects / Re: Flier Match
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:58:22 pm »
Well, yes now the listener is firing the events. Thanks. I a running into a problem now. A problem os my design. Is about precision. Actually, for each iteration the client sends the events to the server and the server moves everything, so I have a defined speed for turning and moving, but in a FPS the most important thing is the presision of the movements, for example:

         A.                         B.                           C.

Supose my cam is lokking at A and for each event I turn certaing degree to make the camera look at C.

Then I will never be able to aim B. point.  making it turn a lower angle or move a smaller distance will make the game too slow. Any idea about this issue?

I was thinking about moving the cam a smaller angle/distance. But separating the moving thread from the networking and from the rendering threads. The problem is that letting a free independent movement
on the client will lead to cheating. Thats why evertything is controled on the server.

Projects / Re: Flier Match
« on: October 21, 2008, 11:06:25 pm »
Is the collisionMode keeped inside the world when serializing it?

Each tima a new player gets it, I send all the World from the server to the specified client. But I do not know if those objects inside that world will have the same collisionMode set on them.

Projects / Re: Flier Match
« on: October 21, 2008, 08:12:34 pm »
mmmmmmm Yes, I set The collision mode before constructing a new Bullet from the model. Well, I guess I should use a clone method the have an exact copy? I will set the CollisionMode after creating the bullet to see if it helps, I will post the results by tomorrow! Thanks a lot, and please replace the old version of my project beucasse that was a version in which nothing works! Hopefully I will finish the first realease of the game sooner. And of course after that I will have to spend some time modelling some good maps, spacecrafts, bullets, misiles, etc!

Projects / Re: Flier Match
« on: October 21, 2008, 08:00:40 pm »
I am adding it to the new created bullet. I have a method on the Disparo class

public void setBulletListener (BulletListener BL) {

here I am adding the collition listener to the new created Bullet called "bala", bala is a global Bullet var inside the Disparo class.

Here on the ManejadorDisparos class, when I add a shot to the shot list I have:

Code: [Select]
public void addDisparo (SimpleVector pos, SimpleVector dir, int tipoBala, World mundo, Camera cam) {

Bullet bala=null;
if (tipoBala==Bullet.BULLET_BALA1) {
bala=new Bullet (bala1);
if (tipoBala==Bullet.BULLET_BALA2) {
bala=new Bullet (bala2);
if (tipoBala==Bullet.BULLET_MISIL1) {
bala=new Bullet (misil1);
if (tipoBala==Bullet.BULLET_MISIL2) {
bala=new Bullet (misil2);
System.out.println ("Disparo AGREGADO EN POS: "+pos+" - DIR: "+dir);
Disparo D=new Disparo (pos, dir, SoundManager, bala, mundo, cam);
                          //SHOT CREATED WITH THE NEW BULLET
D.setBulletListener (ManejadorColisionesBalas);
disparos.add (D);

May it be due to my Bullet class is a subclass of Object3D and maybe is losing the capacity of firing events???? I am just guessing!

Support / Re: Applet & memory concerns
« on: October 21, 2008, 04:41:22 pm »
Its okay. The search engine of the forums is not working well, and asking is the only way to get knowledgment. Feel free to ask whatever you need.

Projects / Re: Flier Match
« on: October 21, 2008, 04:38:31 pm »
 :-[ :-[

The problem about not being shot from the camera center was a problem when modeling the bullet. It was moved a bit from the center. Anyway rotating it the PI/2 over the Y axis was helpfull too. Now the bullets are being fired correctly.

Now my problem is that they doesnt fire any collision event. I added a collisionListener to the bullets but they does not fires the event. I have used the collision listener before when moving the crafts on the server but when shooting the bullets on the client they dont.


When I create the bullet I add the colissionlistener, the bullet and the map has CHECK_SELF | CHECK_OTHERS as the collision mode. I am calling the checkforcollision and checkforcollisionelipsoid methods and they doesnt fire any event. The project is posted at:

Egon, can you please replace the one in the download section with this new one, is still not finished but it is closest to be finished. And please can any one help me with the collisionListening on the bullets?

About the code: Well, I have this classes:

 - BulletThread (Thread for moving the bullets and detecting the collisions)
 - ManejadorDisparos ("ShotManager"--> add the bullets to the List of bullets to be moved, moves the loist of bullets, creates the predefined bullet types to be used in the game)
 - Disparo ("Shoot"--> Is the shot class, it has the position, direction, speed, and the bullet. Has the methods to move the bullet it has)
 - Bullet (Is an inherited class from Object3d that has the damage, type, sounds to play)

The code and var names are in Spanish and the code is a kind of messy but any help would be very appreciated. Actually the shots are being fired with the control key or the space key. They are being shoot from a class called ManejadorEventos an the end of the method EventosJuego.

Support / Re: Applet & memory concerns
« on: October 21, 2008, 04:10:44 pm »
That question has been asked before and the answer was "Becausse I want it on that way".  8)

Projects / Re: Flier Match
« on: October 20, 2008, 09:51:09 pm »
Thanks, that should solve the problem about the bullet orientation. But I am still having the problem that when setting the position of the bullet on the camera position , it is placed near but not in the exact place.

Projects / Re: Flier Match
« on: October 20, 2008, 08:48:22 pm »
Well, I exported to a md2 model as is a very simple model. I checked the model orientation inside max and seems to be well, I will post everything by tomorrow, today I am at office and forgot my pen drive.

I will check that and try to post the project tomorrow.

Support / Re: Applet & memory concerns
« on: October 20, 2008, 08:24:58 pm »
You dont have to apply the textures to the objects manually and merginh them doesnt mean using the same texture. If the 3ds file has the information about the textures to use, u just have to add the textures to the texture manager and they will be loaded on the model automatically.

dont build the object until adding it to the world.

Support / Re: Applet & memory concerns
« on: October 20, 2008, 06:45:09 pm »
for (Object3D o2 : objects) ????? I have never seen this for before, anyway.

Well, the loader3DS method loads a 3ds file into an array of Objects3D, this is becausse of the file format. each part can have a different texture inside the whole model. When you load a 3ds file into jpct you usually merge all that parts into one. and then you will have the  model loaded into an Object3D. as I see, you are taking all the subparts of the model, asigning the 1MB texture to each part and building them many before adding to the world. You should add it first and after that build it. check about the testure becausse you are applying the whole texture to each part of the 3ds file.

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