jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

about the strength of specular light

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Hi Egon,
i found the reflected light color is related to texture color - the light on white object is whiter than that on dark color  objects.
but in reality, some dark colored object can reflect very bright light, such as dark colored glass.
i don't aim for complex graphics so that's not very important by now.
in some engines, there is concept of " material " - not just texture, but how strong do ambient light, diffuse light, specular light affect an object.
would you consider having this in JPCT? or people need to write new shaders if necessary.

jPCT support OpenGL ES 1.x and 2/3.x. The 2.x support mimics the 1.x pipeline by providing default shader implementations which behave just like 1.x would. And because 1.x doesn't support any advanced lighting techniques, the 2.x pipeline doesn't support them either. If one wants some other kind of lighting, one has to write a custom shader for it. I had to limit the options here somewhere, because we already have 19 different shaders plus parts that will be injected when using shadows.

i see. the built-in shaders are complex enough already. thanks.

i think of Config.specPow , can specPow be variable at runtime ?

Yes, it can.


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