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Messages - zammbi

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 25
Support / Re: blitting not showing texture on quality change
« on: August 28, 2010, 11:18:44 am »
Thanks, that did the trick.
Another slight issue. When changing quality the text gets smaller. What's the best way to stop this behaviour?

Support / blitting not showing texture on quality change
« on: August 28, 2010, 07:33:37 am »
Having a little trouble with blitting.
It's not showing the texture on quality change with software mode. Doesn't matter if its transparent or not, what file type it is, tried different textures, setMipmap to false, etc..
It will only show for 'SAMPLINGMODE_NORMAL'. Nothing else is effected, only blitting. No problems at all when I switch to hardware mode.

Anyone else having this issue?
A forum search didn't show anything. So any help will be great...

Support / Re: Too many Objects3D and Java heap space
« on: August 27, 2010, 04:05:16 pm »
Up to now, I'm using the software render, but I'm trying to convert to the OpenGL (I've some problems to catch the mouse events. In the software renderer I use the Jframe and it is easy... Any suggestions?)
Check out the source code of robombs. That should help you heaps.

Support / Re: A few questions
« on: August 26, 2010, 08:32:13 pm »
Faster than what? And it won't give you a real blur.
Ah yep. I'll just play around later I guess and see what I can come up with.

Support / Re: Too many Objects3D and Java heap space
« on: August 26, 2010, 08:30:28 pm »
64mb is default
Yeah that's what I thought.

Projects / Re: Casters of Fate
« on: August 26, 2010, 05:19:47 pm »
Started up my old project again now that I have the free time.

My blog is here:

Nothing to really show off yet, but trying to get a demo out the door asap.

Projects / Re: 3D Sound System
« on: August 26, 2010, 05:16:47 pm »
Sounds like (no pun intended) that coding sound for Linux is quite a bucket of joy.

Additionally, I finished the JSpeex codec plug-in.
Wow, very quick.

I did some JSpeex results on my blog:

XM seems to work on software mode now. Thanks for fixing that.

Support / Re: Too many Objects3D and Java heap space
« on: August 26, 2010, 03:41:37 pm »
50,000 3d objects seems like a lot for the default 128 megs(or w/e it is).

Why not increase the heap?

Have you read the helpful wiki? Might want to start there:

Jpct doesn't support tga as Java doesn't support tga I believe. Will need to start off and convert them to png.

Support / Re: A few questions
« on: August 26, 2010, 08:07:19 am »
SimpleStream is my way to unify access to resources, so that i don't have to care if they are located in a jar or somewhere in the file system. It's just something that eases development for me. If you don't need it that way, then you don't need SimpleStream.
Ah k. I usually do something like so: 'loadMD2(ClientSprite.class.getResourceAsStream("...', so I be closing the stream like what SimpleStream does?

Code: [Select]
That's nothing that has to be fixed in LWJGL. It just that i didn't want the mouse click from some "click to play" action to trigger the mouse click event in game, so i'm waiting for the button being released. Haha k, I thought I read this as a bug somewhere. I'll remove this code then.

For hardware mode, this isn't needed for sure, because LWJGL's native display has nothing to do with awt. For the software idea. I never used it IIRC and never had a need to.
I guess it wont hurt for software renderer. I thought it limited the fps to the screen refresh rate, but it didn't have that affect...

To blur the whole screen in software, you can write a pixel based blur filter for that. It might be a bit slow though. For hardware mode, you can (ab)use the BloomGLProcessor in procs. Look out for the method setCombining().
What about not clearing the screen and draw the screen which is partly transparent or so? Wouldn't that be faster?

More like 1.3 with feature support up to 2.0. It might work to a degree with 1.1, but you'll have a hard time finding some hardware/drivers that implement these 13 years old specs only. 1.3 is minimum even for the crappiest chipsets.
I was just wondering, good to know. I know if a person has faulty OpenGL drivers it might use the Microsoft ones, which the version can be 1.1.

Support / Re: A few questions
« on: August 25, 2010, 05:26:08 pm »
A few more questions:

I noticed quite a few examples using SimpleStream. When actually should I use SimpleStream?

Do textures compress in memory when not in use?

Has the hold down mouse button been fixed in lwjgl? As in do I need to do this anymore:
      if(hardware){// Avoid entering the level while the mouse button is being pressed
           while (mouse.buttonDown(0)) {
               try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

Should I use Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync()? It had no effect for me, but I hear that Linux needs it.

What would be the best way to do blur? Say for if object is speeding (single object), or if a player is drunk (whole screen, ignoring GUI).

Hardware mode targets what OpenGL version? aka does it work on OpenGL 1.1?

Support / Re: How to Load .obj file using JPCT in Android?
« on: August 24, 2010, 02:29:31 pm »
Code: [Select]
Have you looked at the helpful wiki?

Projects / Re: 3D Sound System
« on: August 24, 2010, 02:11:54 pm »
Oh btw software mode does not work for me. Its just fuzzy now for my XM music.

Projects / Re: 3D Sound System
« on: August 24, 2010, 01:25:52 pm »
I am in the process of writing a codec plug-in for JSpeex.  It is a fairly low-level library, though, so it may take a while for me to understand it well enough to get it functioning properly in the context of an ICodec implementation.  I'll keep you updated
Woot. Have you got a donations area setup? I can throw a little beer money your way for your troubles.

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