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Messages - AeroShark333

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 22
Support / Re: place an object to top part of the screen
« on: August 18, 2020, 08:12:31 am »

Welcome :)

I believe you need to translate either the object upwards or the camera downwards.
I suggest you to try:
with some value for x,y,z (like 1.0f to try out first)

Support / Re: trying to get default shader code
« on: August 15, 2020, 11:06:36 pm »
Hmmm oh, I thought it was generally good practice to make sure the gl_FragColor values are between 0.0 and 1.0.
I don't think it'd hurt to multiply the specular lighting so much but I believe some devices might produce different results if the final value for gl_FragColor isn't limited by 'WHITE'.
I believe keeping the WHITE limit would still produce the same results as now? I'm not sure though

Support / Re: trying to get default shader code
« on: August 15, 2020, 06:45:44 pm »
Oh that's cool!

Did you change the shininess value or implement a different lighting algorithm altogether?
Not sure if the shininess value could've been altered from the GLSLShader.setUniform method though...

Support / Re: trying to get default shader code
« on: August 13, 2020, 09:26:51 am »
I tried something that worked for me, the difference is the "/" in the filename.
So I suggest you to give this a try:
Code: [Select]
String shader = new ShaderLocator().getShaderCode("/defaultVertexShaderFog.src");
Code: [Select]
final InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/defaultVertexShaderFog.src");
String shader = Loader.loadTextFile(is);

Nonetheless, I suppose it would have been nice if the library gave an output of what went wrong instead of crashing on null InputStream...

Support / Re: Increase number of texture units
« on: August 12, 2020, 10:41:52 pm »
Haven't tried it yet. I'm busy with other stuff ATM, but I'll come to it eventually.
Oh okay, take your time ;)
Also, good luck :D

I'm really curious to hear the results so excuse me being a little impatient

Support / Re: trying to get default shader code
« on: August 12, 2020, 10:34:09 pm »
I think you need to set the shader locator before being able to use it... It probably throws a NullPointerException as a crash now. I'm not sure how this entirely works in the first place either...

I think there should be a way to still access the default shader code. I believe because these shader files are in the base of the jar library, they'd also go to the base of the apk file. I think you should be able to use these shader text files from there.

I believe the best way to alter the default shaders is to re-use them by copying.
That means to extract the jPCT-AE jar using a zip-extractor like WinRAR or something. In here you can find the shaders in plain text.
Copy two shaderfiles (vertex+fragment), which you need, to your Android project.
You can edit these text files and load them into a new GLSLShader as you want.

Support / Re: Increase number of texture units
« on: August 08, 2020, 10:04:12 pm »
Any luck..?

Support / Re: Increase number of texture units
« on: August 02, 2020, 08:58:02 pm »
Okay, thank you for looking into it :)
I'd be interested in hearing the results.

I'm not entirely sure what you meant with the memory usage thing..? I believe it'd be possible to test it with one single texture assigned to 8 texture layers too. (Not really useful in practice but I guess it's easiest to test)

Projects / Re: my project - Vehicle Simulation
« on: August 02, 2020, 11:57:22 am »
Nice particle effects 8)

Support / Re: Increase number of texture units
« on: August 01, 2020, 09:05:57 pm »
No idea what that error should be. Something isn't quite right with the gl state for some reason. I would ignore it for now.
Okay, thank you

And yes, 4 is a hard coded limit. I looked into expanding it once, but decided against it for reasons that I can't remember anymore. Must have been a technical limitation of some kind. There's no way to hack around it, I'm afraid.
I found this post (Reply #1) for a possible reason why:
Another possible reason I could think of: the minimum amount of vertex attributes is used up.

But I still think it should be possible to increase the limit to at least 8; especially modern devices (I think actually old ones too) should support this.
It is true that vertex shaders have very limited textures to access (minimum of 0).
Though, usually I believe textures are only accessed in the fragment shader (so there should be no problem at all considering the limit for the amount of vertex shader textures).
The amount of textures that can be accessed in the fragment shader is at least 8.

To fix the vertex attributes being used up: merge variables into one bigger variable.
Currently there's 4 texture attributes for the texture coordinates (as seen in:
However, these are all vec2's, while they could be vec4's.
4 vec4's could potentially hold texture coordinates for 8 texture stages.
Code: [Select]
attribute vec4 texture01;
void main(){
    vec2 texture0 = texture01.xy;
    vec2 texture1 =;

According to the OpenGLES2 spec: (page 66 of documentation; page 71 of PDF)
StateMinimum value

I suppose it'd be a quite a challenge to be rewriting this so I'm not sure if it's too much to ask for.
I'd have wanted to give it a shot if jPCT-AE was open-source but yeah...
Otherwise, would it be possible to add something more hacky so I'd still be able to bind these textures to the Object3D (and its GLSLShader) from stage 5 to 8?
A TextureBindingHook or something for additional texture stages, something like:
Code: [Select]
TextureInfo blah ... // first 4 textures go here

obj.setTextureBindingHook(new TextureBindingHook(){
    public void beforeFinishedBinding(){
        Texture tex = fifthTex;
        int stage = 5;
        String variableName = "textureUnit4";
        methodToBind(tex, stage, variableName);
(Additional texture coordinates attributes I don't really need; but only being able to access the textures in the fragment shader)

Support / Increase number of texture units
« on: July 29, 2020, 06:55:13 pm »
I received a crash from an user with the following stacktrace:
Code: [Select]
  at com.threed.jpct.Logger.log (
  at com.threed.jpct.GL20.checkError (
  at com.threed.jpct.GL20.glGenBuffers (
  at com.threed.jpct.CompiledInstance.compileToVBO (
  at com.threed.jpct.CompiledInstance.render (
  at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawWireframe (
  at com.threed.jpct.World.draw (
  at com.threed.jpct.World.drawWireframe (
  at com.aeroshark333.artofearthify.lw.ArtOfEarthify$ (
  at com.aeroshark333.artofearthify.utils.WorkerThread$ (
  at com.aeroshark333.artofearthify.lw.ArtOfEarthify.onDrawFrame (
  at com.aeroshark333.artofearthify.lw.LiveWallpaperRenderer.onDrawFrame (
  at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun (
  at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$ (
Any idea what this could be? I've only received this once so maybe it could be ignored...

PS: The question is unrelated to the original thread but I thought the topic title suited... so...

PPS: Although jPCT has Config.maxTextureLayers, the hard limit seems to be 4. Would it be possible to increase this value to 8 (or arbitrary)? Or assign these extra textures using a hack or something? I'd like to be able to access 8 textures in my fragment shader in a single pass

From my own experience:

Pro's shaders:
Shaders are fastest

Con's shaders:
Shaders can produce inconsistent results on different devices
Writing shaders for animations is more complex than creating Java animations

Support / Re: relationship between Object3D and Light
« on: June 03, 2020, 04:23:31 pm »
I already had a slight feeling the IRenderHook stage was too late for light manipulation...

A solution that might work (depending on your scenario) if your main character is always fully visible and nothing is between the camera plane and the main character, is to create a second World with identical Camera but with an additional Light on top of the already existing Lights. And to render and draw this second main character World after the original World... But I guess this would seem like a bit of a hack.

I don't think jPCT-AE allows the shader variables of the default shader to be manually altered. But I believe this would maybe be one of the easier changes for jPCT that would allow for light manipulation since I suppose the default shader is based on a GLSLShader already anyway. E.g. setting diffuseColor to black or something when it's off. Though, I guess you wouldn't be sure which of the 8 lights is the 'reflection light' if the sorting of the lights array is distance based or based on in which order it got added to the world. But I believe it's something you could calculate then. I guess this solution would need 'getters' though in the GLSLShader class and access to the default shader.

Or maybe the LightingHook is even easier...

Support / Re: relationship between Object3D and Light
« on: June 03, 2020, 07:04:24 am »
Perhaps in your situation you could copy and modify the default shader a little to your expectations. It kind of would allow light-manipulation per Object3D once you apply these custom GLSLShaders to different Object3D's. But perhaps a little too complex solution...

Another solution might be to add an IRenderHook to your Object3D's and enable/disable lights in beforeRendering/afterRendering. But I'm not sure if this would work and I'm not sure if this is too great for performance. But in my head, I believe it'd allow for per Object3D (per polygon even...) light manipulation.

To avoid GL context loss, you might want to use GLSurfaceView#setPreserveEGLContextOnPause(true);

Otherwise you'll need to recreate the framebuffer and the textures would need to be re-uploaded like MichaelJPCT said

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